People we meet for a
brief moment can make indelible impressions. We might forget people we meet at
dinners, and those who impress us at office meetings. But we never forget people
who touch our heart - even for an instant.
Every time I buy bananas I think of the
poor banana-seller, making money from the few bananas from his cart, refusing
to take the bunch back because I had forgotten my purse. I often remember with
deep gratitude the man on the scooter who stopped just to stay with me and a failed
car on the deserted road till I got picked up. I think fondly of the painter outside
who offered to put up my curtains because he saw me struggling with them through
the window. These simple acts are the weight that keeps the world running. These deeds not only ensure heaven to these genuine humans, but also make earth
heaven for us.
Men, and women, like this are why the horrors around us are not more prevalent than they are. The injustices and crimes that are being committed are only because this part of our humanity is relegated to the background. Labeled 'unimportant' because they are not economically rich, considered 'weak' because their work requires hard work, stamped 'failures' because they do not market their actual value, these are the people who teach us right living simply by being who they are.
Not that there are no heroes among the rich and successful, but it is easier to be kind from a position of comfort.
The banana seller taught me that real generosity is not defined
by our means. The scooter guy taught me that chivalry is unselfish, caring,
brave, non-interfering. The painter showed me how offering help is authentic, natural,
brave and spontaneous.
Sometimes we are put in a
certain place so we can be there for someone. It does not cost us anything,
except the courage to listen to the voice that nudges us to reach out. Don’t silence
that voice.
I am so grateful to those wonderful men who didn’t.