It infuriates me that people harangue more about immigrants who do not fit into our society, than criminals who clearly do not fit into any community. Lets see, umm.... someone who cannot speak the correct language vs. someone who will not stop carrying, and using, an illegal gun. We all know which is more alarming, yet we have people up in arms against immigrants and not a whisper of censure against how soft our system is with regard nefarious activity.
As for me, I am all for the death penalty. The man who played Russian roulette with 6 women may get 2-4 years. Is this supposed to be deterrent? A convicted child molester is let off on bail after 'doing his time' and he rapes and buries alive a little girl in Florida. They say he did his time, and earned his right to his freedom. Did someone think of the little girl's right to her life and safety? Or the right of justice for his previous victims? If you take a life, you give yours. Period. What is more fair? Rectitude of Justice demands it.
There is reason the world is assorted into societies and communities. People need that connection with each other, they need to interact. They need to laugh, cry, and grow together. With any group of people there has to be, by definition, a myriad of emotions, ideas, goals and phobias that effect all in one way or the another. And that is why it is imperative that we have rules for society. Moral and ethical rules, legalized principles and codes and yes, even traffic rules.
Everyone is bound by the rules - and the breaking of these rules must consequate in a punishment. There is no peace without order, there is no order without law, and there is no law without rules. And if we do not enforce the rules with consequences, there is no freedom for anyone. Like everything else in the world every action has a reaction. Every deed has its repercussion. Every effort has its result.
Once a rule is set, there should be no excusing its execution.We have a judiciary, we have the leeway for mitigating circumstances, we have reasonable excuses. But once it is clear that someone has broken a rule, willfully, or repeatedly, punishment has to be meted out. Maybe we could overlook embezzlement, even a burglary-but violence?? How can anyone excuse the snuffing of another life?
Why is there this trend in new age society to that it needs to rationalize the actions of lunatics? A man shoots 4 police officers and someone says he had a broken home so he had to take out his anger on someone else. Hurting someone else, let alone murder of people who have taken it up as a calling to protect and serve is unacceptable. A pedophile asks for sympathy because he was abused as a child. Oh for God's sake!! Please do not even say it. It does not take away form the horror of the crime the man commits. Personal history is not applicable in any way to the bestiality of the criminal act. No one has a perfect home life. Dominating mother, too many kids, financial problems, lazy fathers. That may excuse a few quirks, a few temper tantrums, a few depressive cycles. But there is no justification for vicious crimes. None, nada. Fate doles out a share of grief to all, albeit not equally. If one person cannot handle it, it should not become everyone's problem. I will not condone violence, even if it issues from a clinically medically insane person. There can be no vindication. Period.
What are we going to excuse next? Terrorism? After all if we go by the same demented reasoning, terrorists have had a horrid life,; they too are angry because of their circumstances. If we excuse psychopaths because of some chemical imbalance that prevents them form feeling guilt, then what will stop us from condoning a bombing because the suicide bomber was in fugue/grief/vengeful state because his family was bulldozed? Yes, the bulldozing was indefensible, but so is the bombing.
All of us have free will, and we are all blessed with some modicum of sense and reasoning at the very least. We all also HAVE to have a moral sense, whether it is religious or not. If a member of the species behaves differently than what is demanded for a safe society, they need to be exterminated. I swear I will scream next time they rationalize a rapist's actions because his mommy beat him. Maybe mommy should have throttled the life out of him. She probably saw something to beat him about. Seriously, there is no way you can explain away a perversion. Not to me. Why would you put a serial rapist in bars to be fed, clothed and cared for on our tax money? And maybe even released on some legal loophole later to commit another horrendous crime! I do not care if his mother beat him to pulp and he is 'damaged'. Castrate him or execute him. And yes, charge the mother as accessory, if she did drive him over the edge. But do not excuse his actions. Most child molesters are very normal people in regular life. They go to work, open doors for old ladies, wish you Happy Birthday if they know you( horror). Can you then say that their brains are wired abnormally, that they need to be exonerated? I have heard people say that it is society's responsibility to find a medical 'cure' and rehabilitate them. The rate of recidivism of all violent crimes is almost 100 percent. Does that not tell us something? If being caught, handcuffed, humiliated, and locked up did not change them, what will? I know no amount of psychotherapy will. If it is uncorrectable brain wiring, fry it and get done with it! If its plain malevolence, put the perpetrator through the justice system-and then get rid of him.
We should not be treating those very people with kid gloves who would rip our very hands off.
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