Monday, February 3, 2025


Whoever said time heals wounds was an idiot. Grief, loss, anger- rear their head when you least expect it. A dream, a thought, a smell rips open the scab.
There is never healing. The pain remains, and it takes that one touch - of even joy - to bring it up. Time just teaches you to accept it. Because there is literally nothing to do about it.
And let’s face it- God does not help.
What we can do is hang on to the blessings he has thrown our way (which are many, and I am thankful for those).
Relish the miracle of being with those we love, and recognize the good fortune to be able to do things that bring meaning and value to our lives.

1 comment:

  1. I think time heals. Maybe doesn’t heal completely in some cases but the intensity definitely reduces.


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This blog is an attempt to bring out a new twist on accepted notions of society. It is an attempt to get the reader to take off the tinted glasses and look at the world with fresh eyes. If you agree with the ideas of this blog, and think anew, I would consider myself successful. If you do not agree with the thoughts on this blog and cement your own notions, it still made you think, and my work is done.
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Enchanting Fables (PublishAmerica)