Thursday, January 5, 2023

Quick thought

 Unseasonal, yet so soothing, this rumbling thunder.

Unbelievable, yet so lovely, this sunlight in the clouds.

Unreasonable, yet so real, this troubling lethargy.

Unassailable, yet so dampening, this pervasive peace.

Why I Write

This blog is an attempt to bring out a new twist on accepted notions of society. It is an attempt to get the reader to take off the tinted glasses and look at the world with fresh eyes. If you agree with the ideas of this blog, and think anew, I would consider myself successful. If you do not agree with the thoughts on this blog and cement your own notions, it still made you think, and my work is done.
Look at the world with a refractive lens. The truth will stand out.

If you like my blog, you might want to check out my book for children-

Enchanting Fables (PublishAmerica)