Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Legalize drugs

I really hope California will pass the Prop 19 vote to legalize marijuana.

For the life of me I have not been able to understand why drugs have been give such a bad name! It is as bad, or as good, as alcohol. Maybe better, because latest research has shown that for the body (and soul!) alcohol is worse. According to a study published in the Lancet " These socially accepted drugs ( Alcohol and tobacco) were judged more harmful than cannabis, and substantially more dangerous than the Class A drugs LSD, 4-methylthioamphetamine and ecstasy." To read more- http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/03/070323105029.htm
Just because we are used to seeing alcohol being served in lovely crystal , it does not make it better. It was not long ago when alcohol was illegal. But all that Prohibition did was create Al Capone, and enriched organized crime. People thought then that legalizing alcohol would create anomie and anarchy. It seemed very likely that society would degrade and decay if liquor could be bought easily from any store. We now know that has not happened. Of course, there are some who drink badly, but that is an issue of individual discretion. In fact because it is legal, and socially acceptable, it has become less pernicious. And it will be the same with drugs. Even I know that opium is a sedative, and that marijuana kills pain. If we get off our high horses and open our eyes, there may be more beneficial aspects that research may throw up.
The drug trade is driven by casual users- the party-goers who want the 'high', the Wall Street executives who unwind with the 'fix' , the teens who need to be 'cool'. The cool factor of drugs is largely because it is illegal. How many teenagers will want show off using drugs if anyone who needs them can go get them? And if its is not 'dangerous' anymore? Legalizing drugs will also bring about a consumer- driven safety catch. There will not be fatalities because some kids partied with a fatal mix of drugs that they bought from a reprobate off a street corner.

Why should we blame a product for a person's actions? People who use drugs irresponsibly are the same who smoke irresponsibly and will drink irresponsibly. They will drive irresponsibly, they will take loans irresponsibly. It is a character flaw, not a drug problem. Saying they will go and run over someone in a legal-drug infused state is ridiculous. That person has the same chance of running someone over while he/she is texting. And if drugs is what a person needs, he /she will get it- only it will be in some underhand way from some disgusting chap who is funding a prostitution ring on the side.

In monetary terms, legalizing drugs would save about $41.3 billion per year in government expenditure on enforcement of prohibition. And that does not count the resulting criminal offenses. Taxation on the trade would bring in revenue of 2 to 6 billion according to some economists. And that is the projection for the present use of 'drugs for leisure' trade. We are not even looking at any medical use research might throw up. Let the pharmaceutical companies take over and make their customary mind-boggling profit. They will also ensure a proper supply-demand, even if for their own account books. It is better than having drug lords murdering people who get in their way.

As of now, it is those of us who genuinely need drugs that suffer. I can empathize with those who need marijuana for pain management. I have suffered terrible back pain and I had the STUPID doctors here doling out 3 pills at a time because of the chance that I might sell them!! I finally got a whole lot that I needed from a doctor who knew me enough to know I was not faking pain. I am not addicted even after prolonged use,and I flushed the extra ones away. But I saw what actual patients go through.
The best part of legalization is that those vile drug cartels will collapse- so much of smuggling, killing and street gunfights will just go away!! If ONLY for that it is well worth it.
Banning drugs is not going to stop the stupid, or the troubled, or the weak-willed, from getting drugs for 'recreation'. It may not even prevent unreasonably incautious drug usage. But then keeping it illegal has certainly not helped either. Keeping drugs illegal only makes the mafia richer. It only entrenches criminality in a trade that could just as well be a regular business.

The morality of using substances that do not elicit societal approbation should not be within the purview of governments. It is an individual's right to choose. In a country that guarantees such freedom to us, drugs must be made legal.


  1. One of my friend who is totally into drugs will surely appreciate the initiative....:)
    Once again a brilliant piece....very thoughtful..

  2. No matter what you say, I don't agree with your view that drugs should be legalized. I have seen, counselled addicts or tried to (becoz I don;t know how many stopped becoz of counselling--usually they don't). Its a downward spiral for them. I still feel alcohol is not as bad as drugs.
    If it is legalized I am afraid for my kids..peer pressure is a huge thing in getting kids into this. And I don;t think you have mentioned that --you can't imagine how kids get pressurized into this--its much more than 'cool factor' its quite something else.
    Anyway, its not going to be legalized in Singapore so its ok as far as I am concerned.


  3. Just read the piece and as usual LOVED it!Your thinking and mine is so identical!!
    Personally i believe that human nature thrives on challenge and hence,what is forbidden somehow becomes more appealing to the human psyche.It's been this way ...right from the time man was born(remember Adam and the forbidden apple).Whatever is restricted or prohibited somehow becomes more alluring for men/women and so is the case with drugs too!The restricted/limited or NO supply of a commodity finds a much higher demand for itself than what is available in abundance and the use of which is permitted!
    As you succinctly stated Sarah,i simply HAVE to agree that the free availability of recreational and other drugs would lower the mystique value of the same,bringing down considerably,the demand for them!!
    Sabiha Meghjani

  4. hey Sarah,
    Nice read but i'm not so sure i agree. yes, i agree on the medical front, about the need to make avl pain killers and such but i don;t think it's a good idea to sell Coke or Hash across the counter because i'm sure there will be a lot of ppl making a beeline for these drugs , initially to chk them out but later because they are so difficult to do without. here i see a lot of kids going to Hukka joints and pubs and they are quite complacent about it.
    i also think making things hard to get is a good thing because we lived for a long time in Gujarat , which is a dry state, and is by far the safest place to be. women can go out alone in the middle of the night and i think it's primarily because people who are not high are relativly sane and less harmful. in most other cities it becomes unsafe because there are a lot of drunken guys around.
    extending the same logic to "drugs", i think it will make cities a whole lot unsafer!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I kinda agree with Ranju, Sarah. Also, with so much Peer pressure around, kids will tend to lean more towards this stuff - how much ever we think that drugs will become"uncool" if readily available. Liquor is yet to become uncool even though it is more freely available than drugs. Moreover the after effects of these drugs are far more fatal than that of alcohol as they completely mess your body internally. That doesn't mean I'm saying liquor is better. All I'm saying is that when liquor could not get that status of "OK, it's there & I don't think it's cool to have it" even after it's easy to procure - why would drugs? I don't think the society is or ever will be ready for this. From Karishma Rita Bhojwani


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