Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Human trafficking

Dear Friend,

Add your voice and keep this issue a priority.

Trafficking doesn't just happen "somewhere else." Victims of trafficking are right here in the United States, suffering horrific human rights violations. Each year, over 17,000 people are trafficked into this country, and between 100,000 to 3 million human beings are enslaved and trafficked domestically.

Around the globe, statistics show a staggering 12 million women, men, and children become "modern-day slaves" because of the practice of trafficking each year. Estimates are that there are more slaves today—27 million—than in any point in human history.

Join us in the fight against modern day slavery and human trafficking by adding your voice to a growing community that refuses to stay silent on this epidemic.

Safe Horizon is at the forefront of anti-trafficking efforts, helping victims find support and justice. With a two-tiered approach, we provide domestic and foreign-born victims representing 60 countries around the globe with legal and social services.

We are leaders in changing the legal landscape on this issue through advocacy efforts that fight for laws that give victims more protection and that ensure harsher punishments for traffickers. Our efforts have made us the largest direct-service provider for survivors on the East Coast, giving trafficking victims the help and hope they deserve.

To fight trafficking, it takes the bravery and compassion of many people speaking out against the abuse and exploitation of our fellow human beings. Will you speak out today?

Thank you for making a difference.


Ariel Zwang
CEO, Safe Horizon

PS - January 11th is National Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Awareness Day. Join our efforts today and we'll keep you informed on how you can support our activities that will honor this important event.

This degradation of humanity cannot be allowed. Let each one of us do our little bit to help rid our world of such egregious exploitation. Please do your 'bit'-

1 comment:

  1. So well said. There is so much going on under our noses that we aren't aware of. We think of it as being a problem in other countries and pay it no attention, when in fact, some of the largest prostitution and human trafficking rings are right here within our borders. Amazing how in places as close to us as NY and NJ have people who are "enslaved" by owners that have "imported" them for work in their homes and businesses. They get paid next to nothing and usually have horrible living conditions.


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